
An Integrative Approach to Health and Wellness

Much of existence remains a mystery. Modern science estimates that as little as of 4% of the universe is known to us. The gap between science and spirit, however, is rapidly closing as disciplinary fields such as quantum physics, cosmology, and epigenetics speak to the notion that we are multidimensional in nature, and that we are often shaped by unknown factors including our ancestry, belief systems, past and simultaneous experiences, as well the collective consciousness.

While each individual is unique, by addressing the unseen influencers that contribute to our current lives, as well as the unconscious programming that we all carry, we may begin to restore well-being, connect more fully to our inner wisdom, and live a more purpose-driven and joyful life.

Group Training

Learn and experience transformational energetic wellness systems that can help support your ability to evolve, grow, and access more of your gifts and potential. You’ll join an inspiring and conscious community of people who will support your journey, as you discover the full power of the tools and practices.


Workshops and Mentoring

Intuitive Development I and II

We are all intuitive beings who are much more powerful than what we have been led to believe. We are all a part of, and connected to, the cosmos where information is accessible that’s beyond the human understanding. Developing intuitive guidance is particularly important as we move into these transformational times on our planet.

Learn to develop and deepen your intuitive skills with the support of a skilled teacher. These workshops provide an important foundation for expanding your energetic healing abilities.

Developing your intuition and learning to trust yourself is life-changing.

Ancestral and Other Lifetimes Energetic Clearing Techniques

As multidimensional beings, we have the potential to be greatly impacted by the many lifetimes that we have experienced. This training teaches you techniques that have the potential to transform your life by identifying and working through the issues and patterns that may be rooted in your ancestry and past lives.

We will focus on energetically transforming your personal life, ancestral patterns, resolving past lives, and optimizing and harmonizing simultaneous lives. Learn how to apply these same cutting-edge, wellness techniques in your work with family, friends or clients to assist them in reconnecting to their true, Divine nature.

Creating Sacred Space

Our physical spaces and the land they are built upon have natural and accumulated energies that can impact our well-being. This class teaches you how to clear and set energies of protection around your home, office, or property using two energetic grid techniques.

Learn how to intentionally create environments that feel more supportive and harmonious, so you can be at your best and experience wellbeing.

Mentoring Groups
to Strengthen Skill Development

Group mentoring sessions are designed to strengthen your intuitive intelligence and skill development with consistent practice and personal guidance. Through our weekly sessions you will experience the hands-on application needed to deepen your understanding of the core clearing protocols – present, past, ancestral and simultaneous lifetimes.

Over the course of 8 weeks, you will begin to learn how to identify, discern and clear the issues and patterns that keep people from living fully. Our small team approach provides you with the opportunity to give and receive energetic healing techniques that expand your abilities.

Disconnect from the Collective Shadow and Cellular Activation

A multi-step healing process that helps to disconnect you from the heavier issues, patterns and problems of the collective consciousness.

Cellular Activation (CA) is a three phase process that supports your ability to let go of the past on a deeper level, brings in more life purpose information and has the ability to attract more optimal experiences. It is also designed to connect you to the energies of the masters so you can raise your vibration to a higher level.

Allow yourself the potential to feel lighter, connect to more optimal perspectives and possibilities and equip others do the same.


 Classes and Workshops

  • Intuitive Development I

    Learn to connect to your inner guidance in a practical way. Understand how your unique intuition works for you, so you can utilize in every aspect of your life.

  • Intuitive Development II

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • Creating Sacred Space

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Experience the joy of living well.