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Intuitive Development II

Deepen Your Intuition

"Intuition is the whisper of the soul." - J. Krishnamurti

Note: If you haven’t take Level I but you have taken a similar intuitive workshops in the past, please speak to me regarding possible enrollment.

Level II - Seven Week Workshop

Grow and evolve your intuition and continue to hone your unique abilities. Expand your skillset and deepen your connection to universal intelligence by learning advanced intuitive techniques that will help you navigate your life with more presence and ease! In this series of seven classes, you will learn advanced intuitive skills that prepare you for working with yourself, family and friends, and clients. These skills are an important stepping-stone and will be used throughout all of the energetic practitioner training workshops.

  • Read the chakras to understand which issues need to be transformed and which gifts can be integrated.

  • Quickly receive answers intuitively to questions

  • Read the energy field and answer questions remotely for someone who is not in the room with you.

  • Communicate with those who have passed on and cross them over if needed.

  • Identify and address other lifetimes and learn how to work with them.

  • Receive a message or gift from your Higher Self.

What we will focus on:

Week 1: Answering Questions
Answering questions “on demand” is an important skill so we will continue to practice mastering this skill.

Week 2: Connecting with People Long Distance
You will learn how to call in the Higher Self of someone, who is not in the room with you, so you can give them the answers they need.

Week 3: Communicating with Deceased Loved Ones
You will learn how to contact and communicate with deceased loved ones.

Week 4: Connecting with Past Lifetimes
You will learn how to pinpoint past lives and read how they affect your current life. You will also identify whether they have crossed over and, if not, help them do so.

Week 5: Identifying Simultaneous Lifetimes
You will learn how to pinpoint and read simultaneous lifetimes and understand how they affect your current lifetime.

Week 6: Reading the Chakras
You will learn how to read the chakra system and identify whatever is most optimal for you to know as well as see what messages they have for yourself and others..

Week 7: Connecting to your Higher Self and Spirit Guides
You will practice connecting to your HS and spirit guides to receive personal messages and gifts for yourself and others.

Prerequisite: Intuitive Development I Note: If you haven’t take Level I but you have taken a similar intuitive workshops in the past, please speak to me regarding possible enrollment.

Workshop Dates:  Wednesdays 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm CT

Dates: March 13, 20, 27, and April 3, 10, 17, 24, 2024

Location: Online via Zoom or In person – Saint Paul, MN

Cost: $475 + $25 for a manual - Ask Liz about payment options.

Register: email Liz

May 1

Intuitive Development II