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Creating Sacred Space

Creating Sacred Space

Intentionally Create Harmonious Living and Work Spaces

Our physical spaces and the land they are built upon have natural and accumulated energies that can alter our mood, affect our relationships, and impact our well-being. This class teaches you how to clear and set energetic grids of protection around your home, office, or property using two different techniques.

You will learn how to intentionally create environments that feel more supportive and harmonious, so you can be at your best. Additionally, you will learn to apply the techniques when you travel, work in new spaces, and to help your family and friends.

This workshop teaches two simple clearing tools that help to transform anything negative within your environment. A sacred geometric symbol is utilized to establish a positive vibration and create a clear space. This symbol incorporated two triangles or pyramids and is known for bringing ‘heaven’ to earth. The traditional clearing grid, using stones, will be taught along with a new encrypted grid. These grids act as an automatic clearing system once set up.

Some benefits include:

  • It becomes easier to focus with crisp and clear energy in your space.

  • A sense of well-being and happiness as negative emotions are perpetually transformed.

  • Intentions for your home can be placed within the grid to help you attain and manifest them.

    Dates - March 30, 2025

    Time –Sunday, 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM CT

    Location - Online via Zoom or In-person – Saint Paul, MN

    Price - $175 + $50 for the manual

    Register: email Liz

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