Disconnection from the Collective Shadow and Cellular Activation
Hold a Higher Vibration!
This 2-day workshop teaches us to raise our vibration by unplugging from limiting beliefs and patterns that are influencing us through the collective consciousness. Connect to your soul's purpose by activating your highest perspectives and potential, so that you can manifest your most expanded expression of self! This 2-day workshop gives you the tools needed to help energetically heal yourself and others.
Day 1
Disconnection from the Collective Shadow
This multi-step process that helps you feel lighter by energetically unweaving you from the heavier issues, patterns and limitations connected to the collective consciousness. This is important since we are all interconnected and all affect one another.
What we will focus on:
Our multidimensional nature and vibratory states
Moving from polarity to oneness
Our energy fields and chakras
Personal energetic upgrades
Three-part heart release that disconnects us from the collective shadow
Day 2
Cellular Activation
This three phase process supports your ability to let go of the past on a deeper level, align more with your life purpose, and attract optimal outcomes and experiences. It’s also designed to connect you to the higher dimensional energies, so you can raise your vibration and embody more of your own self-mastery.
What we will focus on:
Three phase Cellular Activation Process
Phase 1 - Restructure our Etheric Body so that our physical bodies can hold more light and a higher vibration
Phase 2 - Restructure our Auric Grid so that we are able to attract from our higher purpose rather than our karma.
Phase 3 - Bring in & energetically align with the higher dimensional Master Energies, so that we can hold those energies mentally, emotionally & physically
Rewire our chakra system
Prerequisite: Intuitive Development I & II and Creating Sacred Space Note: If you haven’t take Level I & II or Creating Sacred Space but you have taken a similar intuitive workshops in the past, please speak to me regarding possible enrollment.
Dates –May 4 and 5, 2024
Time –Saturday 12:30 - 4:30 PM and Sunday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM CT
Location - Online via Zoom or In-person – Saint Paul, MN
Price - $450 + $100 for the manual - Ask Liz about payment options.
Register: email Liz